How do you feel when you are hiring someone, but he need to on emergency leave on the first day. The following days… he was feverish, couldn’t wake up on time. He even requested to delay the date to start work.
The business owner reverted: ” You don’t need to work this week and you can sleep until NEXT week!”
The angry business owner took social media to share the WhatsApp conversation between himself and his ridiculous newly employed staff.

At first, the business owner received a text from someone who are keen for the opening as a mechanic ( known as foreman) in the workshop. He asked for the location and went over for an interview. He successful get the job offer.
The newly hired staff supposed to start work on the following day. But he said he got something on and couldn’t make it to work. He asked permission to postponed the start date to day after.
He also asking for a job for another 16-year-old friend and the business owner also generously said ok.
Despite the boss being nice to him but the following day he said he was feverish and absent for work for 2 days. On the next day, the boss texted him at 10am as he was not at work yet. But he reverted at 3pm that he just woke up from sleep.
He further explained that he not sure whether tomorrow he can attend work as he was feeling unwell (fever) since last Thursday. He mentioned if tomorrow he felt better he will go to work. He apologised as he never updated he boss the last Thursday.
The boss kind enough to ask him to bring along MC. And guess what? He was absent again and he informed the boss he had problem waking up early and decided to go work next week.
He added: ” Other than that, can i advanced RM50 of my salary. I want to repair my motorcycle. It’s ok you can transfer to me later. Really sorry bro!”

And the Boss reverted : ” It’s ok you don’t need to come to work this week too! You can sleep until next week!”
Perfect reply from the Boss, Right?!
Info via : China Press
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