A 31-year-old Malaysian netizen took social media to share his fat pay check –RM41,000 working in our neighbouring country, Singapore(SG) . A lot of us wondering, how to get this kind of high pay job?? His answer is.. you just need to ” Act Like a PRO”!
The interesting part is his first job in Malaysia was only RM3k before he leaving to SG for work.
The post read :
Hi, Let me share my weird experience in corporate life.
Job: Engineering Manager
Industry : Banking
31/ Chinese/ Male / 10 years
Salary : SGD 12k ( ~MYR 41k)~ bonus 2-4 months. On good year, i can take MYR600k home pretax.
My progression: Started off with MYR 3K -> 5k ->7k -> 11k -> 13k then SGD 9k -> 10k -> 12k (all within 10 years) .
I manages team of sr. engineers & some managers, with average staff reporting to me around ~50-year-old, some staff even has daughter same age as me!! I find it very weird to manage staff almost double my age!
Here’s the thing. Despite leading the engineering team and expected to be expert while drawing high pay, I HAVE NO SINGLE CLUE ABOUT MY JOB. Yes, I don’t code, i only have basic understanding of CI/CD, release, and other tech stuff. I even need to google to use basic Jira filter.
So how do i survive? I find myself pretty good at making others think i’m expert despite i know nothing. I’m good at talking my way out, good at making well-planned roadmap that business think it’s masterplan — yet it never works. I’m good at convincing my staff that i know what they are talking about, also good at making small things sounds great to my boss, finally always act busy:) In short, i think i’m a con man.
So how do i delivery actual work? I’ll make the project implementation sounds super complicated, and request budget to hire niche expert. I’ll go on hire expert ( contract) to do the implementation job. Yes, i pay the contractor 20-30% higher, he get the job done. I get the credit and that’s how i climb without knowing anything. It’s a win-win situation. This is just 1 way, i’ve many other way to deliver work without actually working..

To close this, i don’t have much advise other than don’t be like me. I have 0 interest with my work, 0 concrete skill other than maybe talk c*ck. I also not sure how long i can play with the system. Despite earning on higher end even for SG level, i don’t feel much satisfaction while seeing other write code while i just pretend.
I think its all about managing up and down. Building rapport and trust with key people, use jargon, make them feel important and talk about why. Key management careless on how stuff get done, more into why and what. So play with that.

Outsource the “technical how” to lower labor cost country like India/Sri Lanka. The why and what just make it up based on your convo with boss and upper bosses.
Make your manager’s boss trust you OR business side trust you, your manager won’t question your daily life. I barely work 10 hours a week, and remaining hours just build rapport and pretend busy.
Let’s check out some of the comments :
▼ Page author said : ” Don’t hate the player, hate the game?” and the payslip is verified that the anonymous netizen is really earning RM41k monthly.
▼ “I have doubts about my bosses”
▼ Their job is manage you and empower you to do more. And this netizen thinks if a manager who didn’t shift the blame to subordinates so they can focus solely on work is a good manager.
▼ One netizen think this page should do some curation and posted some quality content, but not content like ” I’m not skilled but earning big bucks!”
▼ Love hearing story that incompetent people gaming the system. We need to learn how to deal, adapt or improvise to win other in your workplace.
▼ One netizen think he is underselling his skills as a manager. A manager’s job is more about stakeholder management and getting work done.
Info via: IG
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