Recently, we heard a lot of scam cases where victim didn’t received any OTP and the money in their bank account was transferred without their knowledge~
The 2 victims below do have the same experience. Savings in the bank was transferred but the culprit is actually someone they know!
The post read:
《My friend is a thief》
I still couldn’t believe i had went through~
I knew this man on 2019, we graduated in same secondary school and both going to KL to further our study. So happened, we wanted to move somewhere nearby the school and decided to rent a place together. I’m his housemate for 4 years, witnessed growth of each other till we started our 1st job.
The first 2 years was fine. Until 2020, Oct 3 i realised some of my money in bank account was transferred without me receiving any verification, TAC. I contacted the bank, they told me i’m the one that transferring the amount. The only thing i can do is lodging a police report. But i don’t think the police do any further investigation on my case. I can only comforting myself that i didn’t lost much, and it doesn’t affected my life.
I changed the bank card, and whatever i need to change. Thought it won’t happen again. But on Dec 31, again .. i had the same nightmare again. I was so helpless and was thinking: Why is the scammer so daring, is the bank security system that bad?
In the same year, another 2 of our housemate experienced the same, where the money in their bank account was transferred without their knowledge. They lodged a police report too, and even terminated the account.
Just lately, on Feb 25, my bank account was hacked again! I did the same.. contacted the bank, blocked the card, reported to the police. But with the previous experience, i further asked the bank what device that log in my bank account? IP address? The bank officer told me : It’s the same IP address but different device.
2 months after my account been hacked, another housemate account been hacked again! Then we found a phone at home that we never see before and so happened the phone model is the same like the one hacked into our bank account! And my housemate found 2 receipts that similar to the transactions and a photo of my ” Housemate from the same hometown”!
We collected all the evidence, and investigated the matter by ourselves. When we have sufficient evidence only we asked him and he admitted his wrongdoing. He started hacked into our bank account since 2 years ago.
Recalled the moment we were hacked, he went police station with us, and always concerned what’s the status of the investigation. I couldn’t believe he could be that fake!
Another friend of us ( also a victim, that knew him for 19 years) is asking us whether we can solve the matter with him and not sending him to the Police station.
The moral of story, do not easily trusted someone, even your housemate.
Since 2 years back he had stolen RM20K from us, his housemate! Our friendship had ended!
The post read:
《Human hearts are unpredictable,he is a friend of mine for 19 years and he stole the money in my bank》
《Money in my bank been transferred without OTP》
I knew him since kindergarten like 4-5 years old. We went to the same primary school, same class. He used to steal money from a classmate RM80-150 and subscribing comics for a year in a stall nearby our school.
Then the uncle ( stall owner) told our teacher a student spend a lot of money to subscribe comics for a year. So happened the amount of money was the same like the student lost. That’s how the truth revealed. The schoolmate is my neighbour that’s why she told me the incident.
▼(Picture for illustration purposes only)

When we were in secondary school. I’m in the same tuition class with him. So we are like good friends until started to work. We are from Port Dickson going to KL to further our study and he is my roommate. Until one fine day on 2021, our housemate started to experience money been transferred without OTP, he even lodge a police report but it didn’t help.
Then my girlfriend wondering why all my housemate’s bank account were hacked? She asked me to beware! But we have no lead and no evidence who did it.

On Oct 28, it’s my turn that my bank account got hacked. Someone top-up Boost using my credit card. I didn’t receive verification, TAC. I contacted the bank, the officer said i’m the one who did the transaction. I’m helpless.
During that time, he was with me all the times contacting the bank and following-up the case with me. Now thinking about it, he is so fake. Because i don’t have any lead, therefore no way for us to further investigate.
On Jan 29, 2022 When i’m busy with my work, i received an OTP asking whether i want to uplift my FD(fixed deposit)?
I went home immediately. Because the bank card is at home. I was thinking maybe keeping at home is safer. He was at home alone when i reached home. He looked tense. Without asking anything i went to the room. He followed me to the room and telling me where he went just now. But in fact, i never asked a single thing, like he was trying to create alibi that he was not at the crime scene?
Then someone seems like touching the place i kept my card. But i do not have evidence. End up i didn’t bother to check who trying to take my card as FD uplifting attempt failed. I changed my password and keeping the card with me all the times.

But i never thought on Feb, another housemate been hacked and lost RM6K. I guess he is the culprit but do not have have any evidence. It’s not that good to accuse someone without a prove. Hence, i have to be extra careful.
2022, Apr 27 again my money been transferred. I didn’t received any OTP. But, i received an App notification that RM3,000 been transferred. I seldom use this bank account, it’s only for my company to bank in my salary.
Then i lodged a police report and contacted the bank.They never took any action. Just telling me likely i transferred the money and make a fake report. I felt helpless and knew most scam cases been ignored by the bank and police.
May 7:My roommate wanted me to help him to look for something in the room.I accidentally found a red Oppo Smartphone. I was curious and been suspected him for quite some times.Therefore i tried checking out the phone.
I found a lot Telegram messages of him looking for prostitute. But he do have a girlfriend during that time. He spend at least RM800 -RM2500 on prostitution. He always told us his family is not doing well and he will need to send money home most of the time.
The more i checked the more i found.. I found some transaction receipts too. Only those that make the transaction will be able to screenshot the receipt.
More over, he do have a Boost e-wallet that registered under my name. I don’t have a Boost e-wallet. So, i. will never notice i have a Boost account. Thus, this explained well a credit card payment top up to Boost & the Customer service told me i’m the one who top-up the wallet.
May 8:I contacted all the victims as i’m only one of them.
Another pal also from the same hometown told me he is still in a partnership in a housing trading with him. In the case, he was caught by the police my pal will be in trouble too. Moreover, he is just 23, maybe we shouldn’t just damaged his future. Hence, we thought of sort it out with him first.
May 17:We trying to sit down to talk to him. At first, he was in denial. He didn’t admit anything until we told him we have evidence and showed it to him one by one to him only he admitted his wrongdoing.
At first, he admitted stealing money from me and another housemate. But when we drilled further, he started to admit he was stealing in the hostel, including the Boost and my FD. And he stole ATM form a girl and withdraw all her money.
We knew he is using loophole of the bank, log in to our account and transferred the money.

Method 1:He will memorised our bank card number and CVC code. Then guessing the password, 6 digit pin and also pin we used when we do payment. With those information, he can easily log in to our account.
Method 2:Knowing our phone password or checking the OTP in our phone then deleted it without our knowledge.
He will chose the timing when the we are showering, sleeping or phone not with us to commit the crime. Then transferred the money quietly, since he knew the police or bank will not investigate further.
Method 3:Steal the ATM card and withdraw money. One of the girl experienced the same. She reported to the police but no one bothered too. She asked to check the CCTV in the ATM and bank never do anything too.
He told us he felt proud when he committed the crime as he said no one found out it’s him. Not even a sorry from him.

On the next day, another victim wanted to meet him. But he was still feeling easy and playing games. He didn’t even bother. The victim was asking him how to solve but he was replying : 「Up to you!」like don’t really care.
He returned our money as we knew he stole our money. As for other victims we are not so sure. I’m sure he already deleted all the evidence. But we keep a copy of the evidence.
But he never felt bad or sorry on what he did. Thus, i decided to revealed the truth and who so ever in touch with him .. please be extra careful. I do not want anyone to lose any money because of him again. I knew him for 19 years and he hacked my bank account because of RM4,000.

If his family is not doing well and he is forced to do that maybe we will try to understand. But he was spending RM800-RM2500 monthly on prostitution. Is he really got a financial problem? I don’t even have this kind of money.
A few things to take note :
- be careful of this man.
- Make sure no one know the number and CVC on your credit card.
- When you are making payment, make sure your pin number protected. Because these are the info you need for transaction.
Reason being, i’m revealing the truth is to raise awareness. Please do not attacked his family because it’s nothing to do with his family it’s only him committing the crime.
▼ Netizen urged them to report him to the police : ” The people who can do things without you realising it is always people around you.”, ” He is 23 and supposed to be responsible to things he did.” , ” He should be responsible for what he did or else you are only pushing him even further and chances for him to make a bigger mistake”

Info via:Lucas / Facebook | William / Facebook
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