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Because Of MCO, Man Decided To Indulge His Craving And Got A Plate Full Of Nasi Kandar With Jaw Dropping Price!

Photo credit to امجد انس محمد يوسف

When having a certain food that we like or certain craving, it is okay for us to indulge ourselves a bit. After all, it’s not like we eat it every day. Food can release stress too but don’t overeat.


This man shared on Facebook and garnered over 4K likes and 500 shares after he shares that he indulges himself with his favorite food, Nasi Kandar before MCO. However, people jaw-dropped when they see how much it is priced!

This man shared that the day before MCO started he decided to eat Nasi Kandar Kampung Melayu, which is a restaurant that is popular for its Nasi Kandar.

The man decided to go all out and take some okra, some squids, some prawns and some meat on his plate. He tops it all of with some curry. The side dishes are a lot that you can’t even see the rice underneath it! What a rich plate of food~

Not only what on the plate is shocking but the price is much more shocking! All of the food cost about RM62.80! yes, for a single plate of the Nasi Kandar, it is definitely unbelievable of how much that it’s cost.

All the netizen’s jaw dropped at the sight of the food and its price. most of them commented on their thoughts regarding the post.

Netizen’s Responses

▼ People are just speechless with the amount of food!

▼ True definition of rich!

▼ The user also beat this man record for an expensive Nasi Kandar!

▼ Some think that the user could be using iSinar money

▼However, some said that it is actually much cheaper than some restaurants

▼ I mean if you indulge once in a while, I don’t think it would be a problem~

▼ Some share that what they would do with the same amount of money

▼ But beware that you can get gout by eating too much seafood~

Man, this man really went all out! 

Info via  امجد انس محمد يوسف/FB