Although we always remind ourself don’t take it personally when dealing with difficult customers, but deep down your heart you might be feeling upset but because we can’t lose the job. We have to keep silent and just take it. Some bosses would just probably tell you, ” customer is always right!”. But not for this one!
This Boss, known as Jonathan took it to social media to rant on one of his difficult client making a fuss on his staff who delivered them an urgent order. This poor staff was late in delivering the order due to bad weather, he was badly scolded. But Jonathan stood up for his staff, cancelled the order on the spot.
His post read:
My company is distributing Milk tea ingredients for quite some times. This is the first time, i tore off the invoice and took back the sold items on the spot.
I received a call today around 2pm where a customer said they need the some creamer urgently, i told them,” We do not have delivery to your area today,” However because they said they really need it urgently. Thus i arrange one of the staff, to deliver the items over with his motorcycle. It was on a good will basis.

However, it started to rain when the staff was on his way for delivery. So my staff stopped aside to cover the items and ensure there were not exposed in rain. He ride a bit slower in the rain and he was 15 minutes late from the estimated arrival time.
He was scolded badly when he reached, he was blamed slow and late even he knew that was an urgent order. The customer even scolded him with very offensive words.
My staff called and reported on the matter. After sending my milk tea, i drove to the client’s place to understand on the matter. I realised what reported by my staff was exactly like what he said. The customer continued to complain about my staff when i was there.
Then i asked him, ” Where is the invoice and the items? ” He answered,” On the table, why?” I just walked over and tore off the invoice in front of him and asked him to return the unused creamers. ” Those creamer that you opened i will give it to you.” I refunded him on the spot too. He quietly watched me walked away with my items.
I think we should respect the delivery rider too! If my company is not up to your expectation, i will accept those complaint and improve ourself.
But my staff was risking his life riding in the rain just because of your urgent order, you don’t appreciate it but scolding him with offensive words was not acceptable.

You can bullied me but not my staff, sorry! I can let go your business. If today i chose to keep silent not protecting my staff, who is willing to work hard for my company in future?
Let’s check out the netizens’ comments:
▼ ” Boss, are you still hiring?”
▼” Very good sharing, an understanding boss is a good boss”
▼” Thumbs up for you! Some difficult clients really thought they paying a lot. They thought it doesn’t cost you anything to deal with them. But in fact, you are risking your manpower, weather is unpredictable. Is it they want to see your staff met an accident only you are responsible?”
▼” Well said, you staff is your assets, without them who is going to work for you? I support the way you deal with the difficult client”
▼” You did it well, customer is not always right”
▼” Yes! We must know how to respect others”
▼” Good boss!”
▼” Good boss, you deserved respect ”
So, people.. don’t pick a job but pick a boss!
Info via FB