
Husband Secretively Buys PS5, Seller Pretends To Be Network Installer & Tells Wife It’s a “Router”

Credit Gamer Secret/Facebook

PS5, the gaming console that make the gamers go crazy! One husband even dare to risk his life to buy a PS5 without the knowledge of his wife. But, how he did that?

A Facebook page, Gamer Secret was sharing a story of a Vietnamese gamer, he tried to put a PS5 at home without the knowledge of his wife. OMG~~~ real-life ” Plash Speed” on the play.

The post read:

A Vietnamese gamer trying to keep the secret of him buying PS5 from his wife, he staged a real version of ” Plash Speed”.

According to the Vietnamese gamer, he arranged the PS5 seller to be the network installer who fixed the internet, while PS5 is playing the role as a “router”, in that case, the seller would be able to come to their house to fix the PS5.

▼ PS5 seller pretended to be network installer, visited his place to fix the pretended ” router” ( PS5)

This seller who played a role as the network installer was quite dedicated, from his outfit to even the sticker on side of PS5 came with the contact number for customer service! Woow~~ like real!

▼ They really staged the performance with zero flaws. Trying to convince everyone, probably even themselves : ” It’s NOT a PS5, It’s a ROUTER!”

▼ Korean animated video《Plash Speed》

It’s an animated Korean video of a husband that tried to put a PS4 Pro at home without the knowledge of his wife. He had gotten a technician to replace their home’s old wireless router with a “new unit”, which turns out to be the gaming console.

When the wife became suspicious and questioned what does PS mean, the technician blurted out “Plash Speed” in panic and things just started to go downhill from there.


▼ Most netizens hat off to the seller ! Respect!

▼ ” Getting the idea from the Korean animated video”Plash Speed”?

▼ “ Adaptation of the korean animated video?”

▼ ” Plash Speed”

▼ One said,” Modern world required a modern solution”

▼” When everything came to an ultimate, it’s art”

▼ One netizen thought eventually someone will find out, ” The son’s friend didn’t come to their house?”

▼ Some worried the wife will found out after seeing this post.

▼ ” No matter which part of the world you are, HUSBAND always got the same problem”

Dear Wife, who are reading this article now.. Please go and check whether your router is really a  “router” ~~~OPSSS

The original post:

Info via FB/Gamer Secret