Leaving a note/remarks to restaurant on food you ordered or food delivery riders is pretty common! But have you ever try to leave a note to a courier company? And you got a reply from the Delivery Abang!
▼ So romantic! This must be true love ❤️

A bakery shop in Penang sharing a post in their Facebook page. It’s a real life story and love is in the air.. The bakery shop was sending out a cookies via post to their customer. But the shop was worried that the cookies will be badly damaged during the delivery process. Thus, thinking out of the box, leaving the delivery Abang a note and they never thought that they got a reply from the Abang too!
The post read:
We are still in the midst of designing a tough packaging for our cookies, once again to make it more durable, minimised chances of cookies damage during the delivery.
Because our heart-wrenched when we see our cookies breaking into pieces, so after a round upgrading the packaging, we send it to a friend.
Although we can just stick the fragile sticker that we can easily found in the market, but we just felt it’s like any other sticker where the delivery Abang already numb looking at it.

Thus, the last round of parcel delivery, we add in an additional hand-written note to remind delivery Abang. But we never thought Abang was replying to our note! When we saw the photo taken by our friend who received the parcel, we are super excited! The feeling is just like: You got a reply from a message in the bottle that you thrown into the sea!!
Days ago we met a Abang who just broke up with his girlfriend. And now we met another Abang, probably it’s the Chinese Valentine’s day and love is in the air, we met a Romantic Abang!
Although I already have another half, but still i can’t help but to reply to Abang’s love. Please wear your sunglasses ( as i’m going to show off our love now!)
▼ Remarks:「 From flour, i become cookies. Please do not turn me to a flour again. Love you, Abang!」
Abang was replying : 「 Noted Sayang! I Love you too! # Abang JNT」
The admin of the bakery shop then replying another long love letter to Abang:
Kepada JNT abang, ( To JNT Abang)
Terima kasih kerana hantar cookies kepada another sayang, cookies dalam keadaan selamat kerana abang handle with care and love. ( Thanks for sending the cookies to another dearie, cookies arrived in a safe condition with much love and care)
Walaupun bagaimana bahaya situasi sekarang, abang jalan sini sana hantar parcel bertungkus lumus, tetapi abang masih dapat menjalankan tugas dengan full of heart! Bravo abang! ( Looking at the current situation, exposing in the risk of catching the virus where Abang have to go here and there for parcel delivery. Although it’s a tough job but still Abang executed the job given full-heartedly! Bravo Abang!)
Ini pertama kali saya dapat surat cinta, saya amat terharu dan happy. Tolong stay safe so that saya ada peluang dapatkan surat cinta drpd abang lagi! ( It’s my first time receiving a love letter, i’m touched and happy. Please stay safe so i have a chance to receive another love letter from you again!)
J&T Express : tolong cari mana satu abang yang hantar parcel ini, abang saya ni deserve naik pangkat naik gaji or a compliment!!
( J&T Express: Please help me to look for the Abang who delivered my parcel that day. He deserved a raise in pay, promoted or a compliment!)

▼ Abang got a very nice hand-writting~
▼ Woow~ Someone suggested to write ” I love you 3000″ instead!
▼ Some netizens said,” No wonder my parcel was damaged because i never left a note” . So conclusion, next time must write a sentimental note.

▼ One said” Maybe he love your chef not you!” But the admin reply : ” He must be attracted by my handwritting.”
▼ One was asking ” Did your cookies turn back to flour?”
Hafu bakery replied: ” Abang handled with care. So, cookies is till the cookies, still some minor crack but it’s good enough!”
▼ One suggested that Abang deserve a box of cookies. But the admin of the page said,” It’s not halal certified. So not sure Abang will be happy or not.”
▼ One suggested to look for the Abang with the Bar code at the parcel. But the admin updated everyone with a good news that they have found the Abang!
▼ Thanks to the widely circulated post! They found the dispatcher ( Abang)!!!

▼ Some also sharing their good experience with services of J&T . Some of them really executed their job whole-heartedly. Not all the cases like what we always saw in social media where parcel purposely threw up and down or parcel badly damaged.
▼ Thus Hafu Bakery was hoping through this post, public can actually know still plenty of Delivery abang out there working very hard for us. Some even worked late for just to deliver more parcels. Even though they are so busy but still reading and responding to our note, handled the parcels with care. Therefore, his team deserved compliments! We are grateful to have the delivery abang like them!
Info via:HAFU BAKERY / Facebook
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