If you don’t know about Tupperware, i think you are not a Malaysian! To be honest, i didn’t know Tupperware really works that great! I wanted to stress again.. This is not an advertisement!
After few days of heavy rain, we saw a lot post on the flood in our social media. Some caught my eyeball, as netizens shared after the flood and they went back home for the cleaning and found the food in the containers are still good, not even a drop of water in it.

▼ The relevant post in both Facebook and Twitter went viral and was widely discussed. The Tweet garnered more than 20k retweet and 24,700 responses!
▼ Case 1:Netizen found her keropok in the Tupperware still good and crunchy even after the flood!
▼ Scenario 2:My house was flooded, but the flour that i stored in Tupperware still in good condition, not a single drop of water!

▼ Case 3:Although the containers were in the flood but the cereal is still good!
▼ Case 4:I always keep some dates in my car, after the flood, i found the container is really airtight, not a single drop of water inside.
▼ Case 5:The crackers inside is still good, no damage at all!
▼ Case 6:During the flood, i saw this Tupperware float on the surface. When i opened the Tupperware, i’m surprised the cracker inside is still dry and good!
▼ ” No wonder my wife asked me to save the Tupperware first!”, ” no wonder my mum buy Tupperware every month”
▼ “We should keep the important documents in the Tupperware next time!’

▼” No wonder our mother so angry when we lost our Tupperware!”

▼”So, gentlemen out there~ please do not stop your wife from buying Tupperware next time!”
▼”My mum bought a lot, our kitchen cabinet is full of Tupperware. To be honest, she is not using all but mostly for display and collection.”
▼”Our mother are smart! ”
Info via:Oh Malaysia Ku / Facebook | Twitter
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