A mother took social media page UTAR Confessions to seek for advice as her daughter is gambling at school and earning more than RM1500!
The post garnered more than 1k responses, it’s been widely shared and discussed.
The post read:
# Just realise my daughter got a lot of extra money
# After knowing the source of her extra money i’m not sure i should be happy or worried..
My daughter is in Primary 2 this year. I normally give her RM50 as her pocket money per week ( expenses on the meals in the cafeteria + stationeries). Basically, it’s sufficient for her daily use. I brought my daughter to Gurney Par @gon m@lls ( If you are local then you will know the price for things selling here is relatively higher).

My daughter went into a bookstore. At first, we thought of just doing a window shopping but my daughter eyed on a bag and wanted to buy it! She said most of her schoolmate owned this kind of bag! When i looked at the price i was in shock as the bag costs RM899!?? Then…
To be honest, i was shocked by the price ( I think the staff in the bookstore noticed my expression too). I suggested my daughter to check out in the other store and trying to convince her to get the stationeries in Mr. DIY!
However, before i ended my conversation, she told me: Mummy, i have money.”

Before i figured out what was happening she took out some cash from her bag and it’s amounting RM1550!!!
#My daughter is that kind of character that will spend lavishly. ( Exactly like her dad! But i’m glad my husband know how to make money)
The million dollar question is ” I only gave her RM50 per week, she can easily spend all for the meals, how can she have RM1000 ++ extra money!???”

I didn’t comment anything during that time. But i contacted my husband to check whether he was the one gave our daughter the extra money. My husband said he never did that.
After reached home only i start questioning my daughter for the source of her extra money. She was excited and told me how she make money in school. I was stumped after the truth revealed, not sure whether to be happy or worried for my daughter..
#During recess time, my daughter was gambling as a banker on Big & small bets

My 8-year-old is currently studying in an international school. Most of her schoolmates parents are high-income group ( My daughter said their pocket money is RM100 per day). No wonder, when i picked her from school some schoolmates holding a Starbucks drinks. ( A lot of Grabfood and Foodpanda outside their school..) When i told my husband about our daughter gambling habits, he merely laughed and let it go.
I want to take this opportunity to seek for some advice, if you were me what would you do?
Let’s check out the netizen’s comments:
▼ Talented! Please raise her right.. i’m sure she has a bright future..
▼ Your daughter with bright future.
▼ If you are financial-able, please raise her right..
▼ However, some netizen wishing her all the best!
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